Admin E-Mail * – this field is required, as it’s the main setting of a form.The ‘select’ type of a field has also the options setting available that allows entering a list of options to choose from. There are the text, email, tel, url, select, textarea, date and times field types. Fields – select the fields for your contact form, each one has a configurable label, name, type, title and bootstrap size so you can manage a layout of your form here.Pretext – enter here some text to display above the contact form body.There are the following options to configure: Then proceed to the ‘Module Settings’ tab to define the contact form settings. Select the pages for your module to appear on at the ‘Menu Assignments’ tab and specify its Bootstrap size at the ‘ Advanced’ tab. Next, open the module to configure it up to your needs.You may use the Search Tools and filter modules by Type for the easier navigation between the modules. First, visit the Extensions -> Modules section in your site admin panel and locate the “TM Ajax Contact Form” module among the list.This tutorial provides the detailed explanation on how to manage contact form in your Joomla template in case it’s added with the help of the “TM Ajax Contact Form” module.